Friday, March 7, 2008

isn't it funny

isn't it funny how Zara logs on to msn and then 5 seconds later Zach logs on and then2 minutes later Zara logs on again and vice versa.
must be tough having only one computer.

so. my new wacky. not wacky. just random experiment.
So, I'm gonna be greeting random people on msn by saying:
'Hello my fellow yellow'
-Jon Foreman.

so here are the results so far.

On myself:

me: Hello my fellow yellow!
me2: Hello right back atcha!

that went well.

Now, on Zach.

me: Hello my fellow yellow!

[no response]


oh well, whot canya deu?

now, on _______________.
Everyone on my msn contact list is 'busy' cept fer 2 pepo. Tried one already, no response.
Boy do I live in a very non-responsive msn environment. These people just don't know how to express themselves over the Net.

Same for Nat. Yes, YOU NAT. Jeff and I agree that you are quite unresponsive on msn.


experiment will be continued........

I'll be right back *echo* back...... *echo* back.......

check out the National Switchquirer

the most accurate Switchfoot tabloid in the internet world. ;)

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